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ZTreeWin Betas

v2.4.217 - 10 November 2023


ZTW_VdBF Betas

v1.4r - 19 February 2010



v3.11 - 9 January 2011


  • Please review BETA.TXT before installation!
  • v2.x does NOT run on Windows 95, 98, or ME.
  • Beta releases only contain files changed since the last full release. 
    They should be installed over the top of the last full release - v2.2
  • These releases are works in progress, and as such, should not be publicly re-distributed!
  • Each beta contains all previous fixes - you only need to install the most recent!
  • Please be aware that it is not possible to install a beta release using ZTreeWin itself!  You must first quit ZTreeWin  and manually use your favourite unzipping utility to replace the existing files. 
  • To use the self-extracting .EXE version, be sure to run the program with 'Run as Administrator' privileges, so that it will have permission to write to the "Program Files" directory, if that's where you have ZTreeWin installed.
  • In your  ZTreeWin shortcut properties (right-click, 'Properties'), on the Layout tab, make sure "Wrap text on output on resize" is NOT enabled.

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ZTreeWin Betas:

v2.4.217 - ztw24217.zip - 10 November 2023

  • Change- Added F3 Refresh to File and Directory menu
  • Added - Support for resizing window via dragging frame edge
  • Change- Alt-F10 - 1J Numeric format - added 1 234 567
  • Change- Alt-Sort/Unsorted (DMode) sorts by Name on all partition types
  • Change- Batch parameters %r & %jr now blank in Showall/Global FW
  • Change- Ctrl-Search - Scope F6 sizes increased to (32K/64K/128K/256K/512K)
  • Change- Ctrl menu - Added Ins
  • Change- ZList.zls - Display line # being processed
  • Change- DMode FW - Alt-F Size column shows logged directory size in bytes when Alt-K (None)
  • Change- File size display format now 9,999,999,999 bytes when window 84+ chars wide
  • Change- Increased MAXCOL/ZMAX_PATH from 512 to 1024
  • Change- Log 'OneDrive' even when CO-2J set to +J
  • Change- Log - Volumes - Display Free / Total header
  • Change- Remove Installer from __COMPAT_LAYER envar
  • Change- UNRAR.DLL/UNRAR64.DLL updated to v6.23.0
  • Change- UNZIP32.DLL/UNZIP64.DLL updated to v6.1
  • Change- View - Info - Display size-attr-timestamp on top border line
  • Change- View - Offset - allow entering decimal %
  • Fixed - Alt-F5 - Extract as using a mask containing timestamp info caused error [87]
  • Fixed - Alt-F5 - Open - not passing full temp path to ext.bat
  • Fixed - Alt-F8/F9 - Get current monitor size to set limits
  • Fixed - Alt-F10 - CO-2J default should match setting without ztw.ini
  • Fixed - Alt-F10 - ztw.ini being saved to %AppData%\ZTreeWin, when not run under %ProgramFiles%
  • Fixed - Alt-Graft - Issue when source path ended in '!' and '!!' existed
  • Fixed - Alt-Log - 'Tree only' from root not displaying progress
  • Fixed - Alt-Log - 'Tree only' not obeying ZNOLOG.INI
  • Fixed - Alt-Tag/Untag - e - Not matching extensionless files
  • Fixed - Alt-ZLog - Support environment variables in zlog pathname
  • Fixed - Blank directory names in tree when using /T options for custom titlebar
  • Fixed - (Ctrl)-Copy/Move/Rename - Prevent invalid masks that result in empty name
  • Fixed - Ctrl-F5/InfoZip - Archiver output written to console when Display output (No)
  • Fixed - Ctrl-Ins - F2 (Object) - Added FileName/FileNameW formats and fixed Parent buffer overrun
  • Fixed - Ctrl-Ins - F2 (Object) - Parent path adding second entry to clipboard
  • Fixed - Ctrl-Ins - F2 (Object) - Tagged files was not working
  • Fixed - Ctrl-Ins - F2 (Text) - Shortname was not being applied to entire path
  • Fixed - Ctrl-Ins - F12 - not resetting F2
  • Fixed - Ctrl-Ins - file size not being properly formatted
  • Fixed - DMode - Ins/Del not working with /XT keyboard switch to log/unlog
  • Fixed - DMode - Branch FW - Matching Dirs & Bytes incorrect when Filter set
  • Fixed - DMode - File FW - '-' unlogging moved highlighe to last logged directory
  • Fixed - F8 Split - Directory Mode, opposite side directory lost after refresh effecting %j parms
  • Fixed - Error logging to ztwerr.log truncating long error text and missing 433
  • Fixed - Filter - Full/Relative path filter caused crash when relogging
  • Fixed - Filter - Long input buffer overflow caused crash
  • Fixed - History - Corrupt pn= bookmnark entries could lead to crash
  • Fixed - Long path buffer overrun in Treespec, setting title, using ZB option & Alt-Z/Load
  • Fixed - New date (F8) does not work if the opposite side is a directory in a DW
  • Fixed - Open - ext.bat not being passed %2, %3 when file contained %1
  • Fixed - Treespec - Not navigating using Treespec history item missing trailing \
  • Fixed - UTF-8 support for line drawing symbols
  • Fixed - View - Gather - Missing last character of line when no CR at end
  • Fixed - View - Offset - Cannot set large offset with Hex input
  • Fixed - Windows 11 Terminal support to resize on startup to window size
  • Fixed - Write user files (ZTW.ZAM, ZTW.INI & ZTW.HST) to %APPDATA% if read from 'Program Files'
  • Fixed - ZTW_CFG.EXE crashed running standalone when #ZTHome not set
  • Fixed - ZTW_CFG.EXE not patched with exehdr

v2.4.199 - ztw24199.zip or ztw24199.exe - 20 December 2020

  • Change- Added F3 Refresh to File and Directory menu
  • Change- Alt-F1/F1 use https:
  • Change- Alt-Info - Display millisecond part of timestamps
  • Change- Alt-Move (DMode) - non-functional and removed from menu
  • Change- Autoview (F7) - Display size-attr-timestamp on top border line
  • Change- Batch parameters %4 & %5 not set in Directory Mode
  • Change- Increased MAXCOL/ZMAX_PATH from 400 to 512
  • Change- Shortcut QuickEdit disabled if /M command-line option not used
  • Change- View - Display size-attr-timestamp on top border line
  • Added - Ctrl-Ins - F2 (Text/Object/Both)
  • Added - Log disk - F12 - Reset F3 All mode and F5 Skip junction default
  • Fixed - Alt-Compare/Branch - Not allowing skipping of directories with Access Denied
  • Fixed - Alt-F5 - Alt-Extract tagged files not working when all files tagged
  • Fixed - Alt-F5 - Alt/Ctrl-Extract w/directories returning error[11] from unzip.dll
  • Fixed - Alt-F5 - Archive output parsing incorrect for timestamps > 2019
  • Fixed - Alt-F5 - Open - Not passing temp pathname to ext.bat
  • Fixed - Alt-F7 - Improved window centering on high DPI display
  • Fixed - Alt-Info - Alt menu stuck during slow info lookup
  • Fixed - Alt-Info - Owner query failed on long pathname
  • Fixed - Alt-Mirror - Sync - Esc during mirror not aborting sync
  • Fixed - Alt-Mirror - Warn if branch not fully logged
  • Fixed - Alt-Zlog - Not correctly loading .zlog files created by 2.4.181 and earlier.
  • Fixed - Ctrl-F5/7-Zip - Encrypt passing -s%s instead of -p% on command line
  • Fixed - Ctrl-Ins - F12 Reset - Not resetting Resultant path setting
  • Fixed - Directory Window - Shift-PgUp/PgDn failing to navigate beyond 32K directories
  • Fixed - Directory Window ordinal not updating immediately upon change
  • Fixed - Double-right-click - File-Window - do nothing in DirMode
  • Fixed - Double-right-click - File-Window - Not selecting new file before opening viewer
  • Fixed - F3 Refresh - Directory window - Unlogging previously logged directories
  • Fixed - F8 Split - Directory Mode, TAB refresh causing crash
  • Fixed - F8 Split - Directory Mode, TAB refresh Branch FW causing crash
  • Fixed - F9 Menu - Alt-Move item left caused crash
  • Fixed - F9 Menu - Alt-Move item left losing child nodes of collapsed prior branch
  • Fixed - F9 Menu - Alt-Move/Esc not restoring child items to correct depth
  • Fixed - F9 Menu - Edit - Buffer overrun
  • Fixed - F9 Menu - Execute - Generated script lines limited to 256 characters, not 512
  • Fixed - F12 - WHILE_NOT_END not stopping at end when (un)tagging
  • Fixed - Log - Volumes - Insert not marking entry correctly
  • Fixed - Ordinal display not cleared completely when many tagged files
  • Fixed - Open - Support passing long pathnames to legacy apps
  • Fixed - View - Gather (unicode) adding cr/lf of left line
  • Fixed - View - Gather F5 Append not working reliably
  • Fixed - View - Gather to quoted filename crashed
  • Fixed - View/Hex Edit - Changes beyond 2Gb offset saved at offset 0
  • Fixed - Shift-F10 (ZSHELL) - Failing to load with 'The Properties for this item are not available'
  • Fixed - Shift-F10 (ZSHELL) - Support long pathnames
  • Fixed - Spell Search (active) not resetting on non-spell search character


ZTW_VdBF Beta:

ZTW_VdBF is the supplied .DBF viewer for ZTree.  It is launched by pressing the 'O'pen command after selecting a .DBF database file.

Important notice:   A potentially serious problem was reported with the Pack function in v1.4o,
Please do NOT use this function.  If data loss is discovered, please restore the .BAK copy of the database.

 v1.4r     -  zdbf14r.zip  -  19 February 2010 (shipped in ZTreeWin v2.2)

  • Fixed - ZTreeWin Search history causing buffer-overflow beyond 64 entries

 v1.4q     -  zdbf14q.zip  -  27 September 2009

  • Fixed - Last ZTreeWin Search string not being used by default


v3.11a -  14 February2011  (shipped with ZTreeWin v2.2)

  • Fixed - Do not save ztree option on exit

v3.11 -  9 January 2011

  • Fixed - Skip whitespace on empty lines
  • Added - Newline display

v3.10 -  13 December 2010

  • Fixed - Recover from corrupt TFC.ini
  • Changed - Internal code changes
  • Added - Win64 version

v3.9 -  16 October 2010

  • Fixed - Crash on key entry (since 2.21a)

v3.8 -  5 September 2010  (shipped with ZTreeWin v2.1.093)

  • Display Wait message for large files
  • Display actual line number in text file
  • Optimise text file line number display




Last updated: December 20, 2024

copyright © 2024 ZEDTEK, Inc.